Home Launch Vehicles Space Rocket

Space Rocket

Space Rocket is used to launch a spacecraft or travel through space. Some are used to launch satellites, manned spacecraft and missions to deep space.

Long March 9

Chinese Long March 9 is a super-heavy carrier rocket that will be able to support a manned mission to the Moon. Chinese Long March 9...

Atlas V

Atlas V is Lockheed Martin Built Rocket. It is marketed by ILS (International Launch Services). Atlas V was developed under the US Air Force...


NASA Ares I Rocket will be used primarily to launch the Orion Spacecraft to the International Space Station (after the end of the Space...


Ariane-5 (Expendable Rocket) is part of the European Union's Space Program. At present, the Ariane 5 functions as a Commercial Satellite Launcher and was used...

N1 Rocket

N1 was the Soviet Unions Moon Rocket. It was the Soviet counterpart of the American Saturn-V. The launch location site was Baikonur Cosmodrome, Soviet Union. The...

Saturn 1B

Saturn 1B rocket was an uprated Saturn 1. It is part of the Saturn family of rockets. It was used to test the Apollo spacecraft,...

Saturn V

The Saturn V (Saturn-5) was used for Nasa's late 1960's/early 1970's Apollo Moon Programme and for the launching Skylab Space Station in the 1970's. Achievements: Launched astronauts on Apollo...

Ares V

Ares V (Ares 5) is America's next generation launch vehicle. It will be used to launch unmanned payloads to Earth orbit and using the...

Space Launch System

NASA Space Launch System (SLS) is a multi-purpose heavy-lift launch vehicle system designed to carry astronauts to an asteroid, moon, mars and beyond. The...

Delta IV

Delta IV is a family of expendable launch vehicles designed to launch payloads into orbit for the United States Air Force Evolved Expendable Launch...

