Pictures of Rockets


Pictures of Rockets has a variety of pictures from NASA, ESA, private rocket companies, rockets from Chinese, Indian, Russian and more.

Antares Rocket Ready for Launch

Antares Rocket January 2014

Antares Rocket on launch Pad-0A at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, 6 January, 2014.

Apollo 17 Launch.

Apollo 17 Launch Picture

Apollo 17 was the final lunar landing mission in NASA’s Apollo program. It was the first night time lift-off of the Saturn V launch vehicle. 

Apollo 17 was launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, 7 December, 1972.

Saturn V from Capricorn One Movie.

Saturn V from Capricorn One Movie Picture

You can watch Capricorn One on online video.

Starring: Elliott Gould, James Brolin. Directed by: Peter Hyams. Runtime: 2 hours 4 minutes. Release year: 1977

The government fakes a Mars landing then sets out to kill the astronauts involved in the thriller Capricorn One.

Russia’s Soyuz Rocket launches crew to International Space Station.

Soyuz TMA-07M Rocket Picture
Soyuz-FG rocket booster with Soyuz TMA-07M spacecraft blasts off from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on December 19, 2012. Destination: International Space Station.

ESA Ariane Rocket Family

ESA Ariane Rocket Family Picture

Work on the first Ariane launcher started in 1974 and on December 24th 1979 the first Ariane was lanched into space from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guyana.

Which Rocket design do you like? The latest is the Ariane 5.

SpaceX Falcon 2nd Stage Igniting….an Artist’s Impression

SpaceX Falcon 2nd Stage Picture

2nd Stage SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Igniting to Send Dragon capsule into Orbit. Image Credit: SpaceX

The Dragon spacecraft has successfully delivered cargo to the space station twice in 2012.

Space Rocket Size Comparison 

Space Rocket Size Comparison Picture

Compare  Rocket Sizes.

From the left: Mercury Redstone, Mercury Atlas, Gemini Titan, Saturn 1B, Saturn V, N1 Rocket (Soviet Union), Saturn V Skylab, Space Shuttle (USA).

Magnificent Soyuz Launch Pad Picture

Soyuz Launch Pad at Baikonur Cosmodrome Picture

Soyuz Soyuz Launch Pad…..Baikonur Cosmodrome

Soyuz Launch pad is seen prior to the rollout of the Soyuz TMA-13 spacecraft at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Friday, 10 October, 2008. The Soyuz was scheduled to launch to the International Space Station 12 October 2008.  Image Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

Amazing Soyuz Rocket!

Expedition 33 Soyuz Launch

Expedition 33 Soyuz Launch

Soyuz rocket with Expedition 33 crew members: Soyuz Commander Oleg Novitskiy, Flight Engineer Kevin Ford of NASA and Flight Engineer Evgeny Tarelkin of Roscosmos onboard the TMA-06M spacecraft launches to the International Space Station on Oct. 23, 2012, in Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Launch occurred at 4:51 p.m. Kazakhstan time. Ford, Novitskiy and Tarelkin will be on a five-month mission aboard the International Space Station. Photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

ESA Launchers

Future Launchers Preparatory Programme (FLPP)

The Future Launcher Preparatory Programme (FLPP) is a European Space Agency (ESA) program that aims to develop and mature technology for a ‘Next Generation Launcher’ as a successor to the Ariane 5 rocket.

It is developing various launch vehicle system concepts, researching and developing technologies and industrial capabilities in all main space transportation areas since 2003.

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Other picsAuroraAstronautBlack HoleCometsEarthGalaxyMoonNeil ArmstrongMars, rockets, solar systemSpacecraftSpace ShuttleSpace StationSunriseUniverse.


Hubble: The Mirror on the Universe by Robin Kerrod
Dramatic images never before published in a single volume. The book covers the observable universe.

Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Near Side of the Moon by Charles J. Byrne

Pictures of Rockets Links:

About Future Launchers Preparatory Programme (FLPP): ESA

Expedition 18 Soyuz TMA-13 Rollout: NASA

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