Saturn 1B


Saturn 1B rocket was an uprated Saturn 1. It is part of the Saturn family of rockets. It was used to test the Apollo spacecraft, to deliver crew to Skylab Space Station and for the Apollo-Soyuz (ASTP) Mission.
Saturn IB Rocket


Saturn 1B was used to test the Apollo spacecraft, to deliver crew to Skylab Space Station and for the Apollo-Soyuz (ASTP) Mission. After Skylab, it was abandoned.

The Saturn IB was used between 1973 and 1975 for three manned Skylab flights and one Apollo-Soyuz Test Project flight.

Saturn 1B’s payload to Earth orbit was 18,140kg.


Height: 43.2 m (141.6 ft) – without payload
Diameter 6.61 m (21.67 ft)
Stages: 2

First Stage:

It was powered by eight H-1 rocket engines.

Second Stage:

It was powered by a single J-2 engine.


Apollo 1 (AS-2014 mission) was intended to be the first manned flight of the Apollo program. It was scheduled for launch in February 1967, however, a fire in the cabin during a January 1967 test killed the crew.

Saturn 1B rocket for Apollo 1 (AS-204) was used for Apollo 5, the first Lunar Module test flight. First successful manned Apollo mission was flown by Apollo 1’s backup crew was on Apollo 7 in October 1968.

First Flight of the Saturn 1B was on February 26, 1966.

Final Saturn 1B launched the Apollo capsule of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project.

Did you know?

* Saturn 1B rocket flew nine times.


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